Fursona quiz
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quiz: Fursona quiz
You may not know it, but we all have a little bit of a furry deep down in our hearts.
A Fursona is a Furry's avatar and/or persona, usually consisting of an animal with human characteristics that represent the Furry to the outside world.
Whether your Fursona is a cat, dog, pony, dragon or whatever you want it to be, we want to help you out by giving you a little quiz to find out what type of Fursona you are.
Whether you're a "fox boy" or a "dog girl," it's important to know how your fursona fits into all aspects of your life.
When you know what you are and are true to yourself, it's also fun to share that with your partner! Other people may have different personalities than you and that's okay.
Fursona quizzes don't need to be serious, they can be fun and help you discover new things about your partner's personality.
Let's play Fursona quiz
Question 0 / 11
What do you like?

Staying home

Going out
Do you wish to pet a wild animal, if you get a chance?



Do you cook?

Oh No!

Like a chef

I can cook somethings

Is going into the kitchen comes under cooking too?
What's your ideal place of worship?





None of these
Are you a vegan?


Choose the one that sounds the most appealing to you:




Choose the one that sounds the most appealing to you:



Hard Work


What will you prefer eating?



Sea food

You have or would like to have kids of your own?


Do you prefer using things made of animal skin?

Not relly

Yes! They are exquisite

No animal killing for our luxuries

Have you ever tried it? It's soo soft and unique
Favorite climate

Winters and snowing

Monsoons and heavy downpours

Summers and scroching sun

Breezy Spring
As sensitive as a deer, you are fast in pace and do things in your own way. Escaping from difficulties and finding your own way out is what you possess, with the ability or regeneration, not holding things and grudges for long.
Arctic Fox
Survival, in any condition and atmosphere, is your key to success. You're good at what you do but are not satisfied with people's persona easily, you want to look extraordinary in people, not accepting what they actually are! You would rather like to relax and have the time of your life.
Keen of the surroundings, you have an ambition in life, protecting and carrying strength all the way. You try and easily move from one place to another, often. You're a spirit animal, with power and dreams. You'll love to have kids of your own one day, carrying them with you like a kangaroo.
You are a huge alligator adapting to the Native Americal Cultures with cheetah prints on. You do not like to eat people but eat and dazzle them with your culinary skills. Finding your way through waters, you're respected and have or will have a status in the society.