Do I love him or not?
Take the Quiz and check your result.
quiz: Do I love him or not?
You may think you know how you feel about someone but you're not sure. You love that person deeply and they make you feel special but you don't want to mess up your relationship by making any rash decisions.
Do you have a crush on someone and want to know more about him or her?
If you're curious as to whether he or she is the right one, you can take this fun quiz and the results will tell you whether he or she is ideal for you or not!
If you're hoping to get more intimate with him or her in the future, this is a great way to boost your chances.
Love is the most precious emotion in the world. Very often we think that we are in love and are afraid that we are mistaken. At the same time, we can deny our feelings because we feel that it is too early or that we are afraid that our feelings are not returned. This test is designed to help people understand if they love someone or not.
Just answer a few simple questions and the results will tell you everything you need to know. So, have fun with it and see what kind of relationship could be waiting for you!
While you're at it, share it with your partner and see what their score is! Make sure to have some fun with it!
Let's play Do I love him or not?
Question 0 / 10
Is he around you, most of the times and you like that?

Yes, I love that.

No, not really

He should be around me all the time!

Distance and space is important for a healthy relationship
Do you blush when he's near you or introduces you to someone?

All red!

No really, it's normal.

A little bit

He makes me feel special
Are you habits and likings changing according to his?

Why would that even happen? We are good as we are.

I think so, Yes.

Not really

I have started eating sausages with him!
You have introduced or told one of your parents about him?



Mom/Dad has a hint
Do you stare at him at times, while he's doing even the smallest of things?

All the time!

Who does that, do not want to creep him out.

Oh, he's cute you know.

No, I don't
How are things between you two when in a secluded place?

Not that good


The most precious times

We're quite good
How do you feel when you have a fight?

Not a big deal, he's gonna talk again real soon

It's okay we'll come back


Not good
How do his friends and family think about you?

They really like me, as he told.

His friends and me? No Way!

His family doesn't know me yet, but yes his friends enjoy my company.

We prefer alone time.

No drama, we like each other and get on once in a while.
Have you ever even had a thought of comparing him to your ex?

Yes, all the time but he's better than him.

No, not at all.

Only when he annoys me.

None of these
What do you think he has for you?

He definitely has feelings, but not sure if it's love.

A lot of caring, honesty, loyalty, kindness...comes from his side.

He's fine, just as a normal boy who likes someone.

I have no idea!
So in love!
You had to be here, it's all him for you as of now. If you both share the same feelings, it's gonna work out well!
So in love that it hurts!
Yes, you are totally and completely in love with him. You've found the ever-lasting man of your life, hold on to him, you will not be able to let him go!
You like him!
Not in love yet, but definitely you'll land there if things work out well for a time. You care about him and like him pretty much.
Uh-oh, you may not even like him!
Go through what you're feeling again, it's just infatuation or attraction, that will fade with time. He's not the man of your life, move ahead!