Are You a Good Wife?
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quiz: Are You a Good Wife?
It is the dream of every girl to marry the man of their dreams with a happy marriage and live happily ever after.
But with the reality of the modern world and its complicated relationships, things don't always work out as they did in the fairy tales. If you want to be a great wife, you have to really love him.
Women have been told to be good wives for a long time.
Throughout the past decades, women have come a long way from being a housewife to being a businesswoman.
Women have progressed in social, political and economic sectors.
Nowadays, women are celebrated for their achievements and successes. For example, if a woman is a great doctor, everyone will know about it.
Society is starting to realize that women need to be valued for the same things that men are valued for.
The old saying, "A good wife makes a good husband" is starting to disappear.
Let's play Are You a Good Wife?
Question 0 / 15
How does your spouse treats you?

With respect

We're more like friends, so some slangs work


With care

Not that repectfully
How do you greet your husband when he comes back from work?

Give him water and something to eat

Run to him, and kiss him tightly, letting him know that I missed him

Ask the children to make him feel special

Just a normal hi, sitting on the couch, then he gets fresh and we talk
Do you plan and surprise him with romantic trips or dates?

Yes, mostly

No, it's mostly him
If you both had to watch a movie, how do you decide?

Wife Rules

We sort it out and come to an unanimous decision

Whatever he says

We do not watch much movies
How often do you both get intimate, and who initiates it mostly?

Oftenly, I initiate

My husband initiates, once in a blue moon

Almost Everyday, it can be either of us who initiates

We do that once in a week, probably. Anyone can initiate
Your kids, if your have any, love,

Their mother, more

Their father, more

Both of us, equally

We do not have kids
You both have been married for,

1 year

1-5 years

5-15 years

It's been more than 15 years
What's the most important part in a relationship according to you?


Love and Care

Sexual Compatibility


Does your partner prioritize you over things?

Yes, mostly

No, his work is always more important


Not over his mother.
When it comes to adjusting or sacrificing, who does that more?


My husband
How often do you guys fight and over what issues?

Often on pity issues

Not often, but once we do it's always about his addictions

Not often, its mostly because of misunderstanding and trust issues

We do not fight, it goes in a flow.
Do you both like experimenting with your sex life?

We are always trying different positions

We go on trips, foreplay and have lots of fun

Not really, just the usual bedroom sex

Ooh! Yea, we do.
Have you ever visited a couple counsellor?


The maximum days you've been apart or didn't talk?

It becomes months, sometimes

Probably a week

Not even a day without talking

He apologizes like a good man, I am learning from him
Do you think your partner will come after you, no matter how worse the situation gets?

Yes, I do belueve that

He always does

No, not really. I have to apologize everytime

Um, No
The Perfect Wife
You're a wife, everyone wants to get! Perfect in your own way and you fulfill all your husband's needs and satisfy him from all ends.
Noble Wife
You're not just a good but noble wife. You guys just need communication between, things are flowy and will remain good this way. You're doing your best and excelling at it.
You Need To Improve As A Wife
You both need to communicate, make gestures and also make each other feel loved. All of this is really important to do and work upon, things may fall apart but there's time.
Biased Wife
You're kind of done with your husband, done with the wife's duties, and do not see a future. You still can work for a good and better future, but if you really feel like it, now.